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Monika Stolarska

She studied at The Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Master of Fine Arts.
In her works, she move between various symbols. She use archetypes from the natural world such as:

mountains, moon, horizon, water, fire, road, etc. The language of geometry is close to her, it opens up space for interpretation

at the level of sense and intuition. She is inspired by constructivism and modernist architecture. In these currents, she find rhythms and phenomena that she see in nature, a human attempt to reconcile the world of spirit and matter. 
Often the impetus for her further work is a visual and emotional experience, the world of nature, which touch her feelings, recorded images, and intuitive traces, creating her own artistic language. She is interested in relationships, exploring the border where man ends and nature begins, relationships, mutual connections and influence.


Marta Bonotto 

+48 692 006 771

Kamila Jasińska-Cieślak

  +48 691 216 086

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